Futrich is the only working FC24 sniper bot that allows you to snipe from your phone.
In this guide we will see how to install Lemur, an application needed in order to use Futrich Sniper Bot from mobile.
At the moment the only feature available is Snipe from your phone. The Desktop version of Futrich remains more complete but this is an excellent alternative for sniping when you’re away from home.
In this guide we will see how to install Lemur, an application needed in order to use Futrich Sniper Bot from mobile.
At the moment the only feature available is Snipe from your phone. The Desktop version of Futrich remains more complete but this is an excellent alternative for sniping when you’re away from home.
Instructions How To Use
Install Lemur
Install the Lemur application from the Play Store.
Open Lemur
Press Open after installing the applicationSearch Futrich Sniper Bot
Press on Search, write “Futrich Sniper Bot” and press on the first link.
Press Add in Chrome Extension Store
At the top right, press Add to add Futrich extension to the browser
Search FC24 Web App
Now search for FC24 web app and press the first linkLog in to the web app
Use your credentials to access the web app from LemurFutrich is loaded on your phone
You can see that Futrich has loaded correctly by seeing the new button at the bottom right. By pressing the button with the Futrich logo you can unlock your Premium key.